🇲🇦 Trip to Marrakech.

When in south Portugal at the Algarve beaches, we say that on the other side of the sea is Morocco. A country on another continent, with another religion and a different culture that is also part of the history and culture of Portugal. Morocco arouses all curiosity about the difference in reality and in such a short trip. It’s so close and now for the first time, my trip to Morocco, a visual journey into the past of time and the origin of things. 

 It was a short trip of just a few days in Marrakech and 1, 2 days in the desert. 

 Here are the images..

A day at the beach

Last week, in a week of vacation with friends, I got to know some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, located in the Algarve, in Portugal. Algarve, where I spend holidays since I was born, because part of my family is from there. Here are some images from a day spent at Arrifana beach. A surfers beach with a wonderful landscape.🏖️😎

COVID 19 Reflections..

We all are dealing with uncertainty these days, throughout this long wait, many were and maybe still are expecting this mess to pass by so they can keep on with their lives. But I think by now most people realized nothing will be the same. Personally I consider myself to be a lucky one, for now, I’m good and so is my family and friends. Many are not.. But if we make the effort and forget the enormous amount of suffering and deaths, CORONA VIRUS has put most things in their right place, people are rethinking everything.. One day this will pass and it will only be a memory, and this song is a very good one ❤️ 

🇨🇺 Havana

For years I wanted to visit Havana, last year around this time, I spent 5 days there and finally had the chance to enjoy the habanera culture and to register several moments that I share now. Hope you like it.

Check out the complete “photo reportage” of Havana.

Air Traffic Controllers Campaign

Here’ s the result of the 11 mini photo sessions for the International Day of Air Traffic Controllers (October 20th). This is an internal surprise campaign, witch aims to celebrate the profession of Air Traffic Controllers, with the collaboration of one person from each of all the Portuguese Air Traffic Control organs. Each one had a typical, common Air Traffic Controller situation.   In my own name I thank each one of them, for changing their lives and come to Lisbon so I could shoot them and make this idea possible, and also for being so collaborative. I think we all had fun and worked for a good purpose and end result. ✔️

Shortcutz_Rio de Janeiro

“Shortcutz” is a weekly event, where short films are screened in the presence of directors, actors, technicians, artists, attendants.. (that will share opinions later). This concept was born in Lisbon/Portugal and already spread to various national cities and internationally too, Amsterdam, Berlin and now Rio de Janeiro. But Rio de Janeiro “Shortcutz” identity needed a visual/cultural adaptation, that’s where we came in. And here’s part of the work, we started from the original logo (white over black & reverse) and added some joy (color and geometry) because, as i was talking with Welket Bungé and Miguel Pinheiro, the 2 portuguese guys responsible for this Shortcutz adventure, were living in Rio, and tasting the culture everyday. They know Brazil and Rio de Janeiro for a while and kept explaining me how specific this culture is. ☀️

Square Moods

It took me a while to figure out how to make this (Andy Gilmore’s) alike work. His work impressed me and i made various versions of this and saw the potencial for many other ways to play with patterns. If you don´t know his work, please check it out. 😉 

Using Format